Heading a group of Chinese-language teachers on a recent trip to China, the author visited schools in Beijing and Shandong province. 作者最近率领本年度模范华文教师访问中国山东和北京,参观当地的中文教学情况。
Report heading group presentation rule 报表头部栏表示规则
Say you're a warrior heading into the heat of battle with your group, who consist of a mage, priest, and rogue. 比如你是一名战士,和你的队伍投入战斗,队伍由法师、牧师和盗贼组成。
If an administrative institute wants to develop for a long time, it must have a heading group of going forword with the time and opening up with advance; 行政学院要想长足发展,必须有一个与时俱进、开拓进取的领导班子;
He created a number of native teams within the rocket-space complex, heading up the manned spacecraft and heavy launch vehicle development group himself. 他组建了一系列本国的火箭空间体系科研队伍,并亲自带领着一支载人航天飞船与重型运载火箭开发小组。
Not surprisingly, many of the oil ministers heading to this week's Opec meeting in Vienna say the group should keep its policy of output quotas unchanged so as not to risk derailing its success. 许多准备参加本周三在维也纳召开的欧佩克会议的石油部长表示,该组织应保持其产量配额政策不变,以免危及其已经取得的成就,这并不令人感到意外。
Application of the Rapid Rock Drift Heading Technique at Kailuan ( Group) Corp 岩巷快速机掘技术在开滦(集团)公司的应用
Mr Kung, who was a doctor for three decades before heading the property developer, said he felt the family was best placed to carry out his sister's vision for the group. 龚仁心在接管华懋前曾做了30年的医生。他表示,自己觉得,家人是实现姐姐对于华懋愿景的最佳人选。
The simulation example was given, showing that the control policy ensured all agents eventually align with the leader and have the same heading direction as the one of the leader agent while at the same time no collisions and group into a tight formation. 最后,给出了一个计算机仿真例子对所得结论进行了验证.仿真结果表明,控制策略可以保证所有agent的速度大小和方向收敛到与Leader保持一致,同时避免碰撞,并保持一个紧凑的编队。